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( 22 Articles Found )

Shady recruitment agents put students' future at risk

Two news reports this week show how students pay a heavy price for scams by unscrupulous recruitment agents hired by US universities

What You Need to Know About Trump's 'Muslim Ban'

Trump's travel ban aimed at seven Muslim majority countries has rattled international students in the US, sparked protests and jolted the world.

Hordes of Indian, Chinese Students Caught in Feds Fake College Sting

Federal investigators create a fake university in New Jersey to catch 'pay-to-stay' student visa schemers.

“Quality is at the heart of what we do”: Grant McPherson of Education New Zealand

Grant McPherson, Chief Executive of Education New Zealand, spoke to BrainGain magazine, about the advantage of a New Zealand education and how the government is working towards making it better.

5 tips for planning your study abroad journey

Here's some great advice from World Education Services (WES) on how to get organized as you plan your studies abroad.

STEM in the USA - Key Attraction for Graduates Across the Globe

The preliminary report of the Council of Graduate Schools looks at major trends in USA’s education. A brief survey.

We created a shady agent for a fraud awareness campaign and some students sought his advice

If you want to study abroad, the only way to protect yourself from scammers is to do your own research diligently – you'll be amazed how good you are at detecting fraud

In a First, a US University Insures Itself Against a Drop in Chinese Students

The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign has paid $424,000 to insure itself against a significant drop in tuition revenue from Chinese students.

What every student should know before going abroad

Studying abroad is a marvellous experience, and one should definitely not forget how to enjoy it. And we as your guardian angels will help you do just that!

'Blacklisted' U.S. College Nightmare: Air India offloads 19 Indian Students

Air India stopped 19 students from Hyderabad from boarding a flight to San Francisco as they ran the risk of being deported when they arrived on the West Coast to enroll in two 'blacklisted' U.S schools.

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