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The Top 10 Australian Universities for Medicine

BrainGain magazine brings you a list of ten schools in Australia, where you can experience the best of medical education.

I have enjoyed nearly every day I spent in University in the last 3 years" - Q&A on studying in Utrecht

A German student currently completing her degree in veterinary medicine in Utrecht (the Netherlands), talks to us about her experience as an international student.

US Offers Medical Students Great Job Opportunities

The Association of American Medical Colleges notes that at current graduation rates, the US could face a shortage of 150,000 doctors in the next 15 years.

A simple guide to the higher education system in Germany

What’s the difference between a ‘university’ and a ‘university of applied science’? Can international students get scholarships? Do you need to know German? Do you need to take the GRE?

New English Language Requirements for Foreign Doctors in the U.K.

The U.K. has recently changed the basic English language requirements for licensed foreign doctors to practice medicine in the country.

Do you want to be a dentist? Check out these 4 great master's degrees

Considering a career as a dentist? You would be wise to check out these 5 dentistry degrees which offer great value for money.

Explore endless opportunities for experiential learning at Hofstra University

The school's 140 undergraduate programs and 160 graduate ones include courses in the health professions ranging from sports science to health administration

Book Review: Intern by Sandeep Jauhar

Sandeep Jauhar’s book “Intern: a Doctor’s Initiation” is a bible for medical students making their own forays into life at the hospital.

Why Bloomberg's Record $1.8 Billion Gift to Johns Hopkins is a Great Decision

Michael Bloomberg’s donation is designed to make the elite private research university in Baltimore both need blind and loan-free, with thousands of scholarships.

Hofstra University: Where You Are Meant to Be

Small class sizes and exciting, fulfilling on-campus programs are led by a supportive faculty and staff. And, Hofstra's close proximity to Manhattan allows students to take advantage of various cultural aspects, internship experiences and networking opportunities.

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