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Why Artificial Intelligence Graduates Are in Red Hot Demand

Silicon Valley tech giants are trying to hire students who specialize in artificial intelligence from universities even before they graduate

Stanford launches new institute for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence - Vishal Sikka, Sam Palmisano & Eric Schmidt on board

Vishal Sikka, former CEO of Infosys, Sam Palmisano, former CEO of IBM, Marissa Mayer, former CEO of Yahoo, Eric Schmidt and other industry leaders are on the advisory board.

What it takes to study nanotechnology: Q&A with Prof. Ted Sargent

What does it take to study, and build a career in, nanotechnology? Prof. Ted Sargent from the University of Toronto speaks to BrainGain Magazine.

What it takes to study nanotechnology

February 09, 2025 |
Professor Ted Sargent is Vice President – International, at the University of Toronto, Canada, and a professor in the university's Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering. In an exclusive interview with BrainGain Magazine on Monday, March 27, 2017, he spoke about how he became interested in nanotechnology, how nano devices are created, and why engineering students should think like both engineers and entrepreneurs. Prof. Sargent also spoke about the role that students play in cutting-edge research, the value of a PhD in today's job market, and the academic, geographic and financial benefits of studying at the University of Toronto.

Why Georgia Tech caught President Obama's eye

Georgia Tech, one of the first U.S. universities to offer an online master's degree in computer science, could be a model for making college cheaper.

University of Dundee launches innovative MSc in Educational Assistive Technology

If you are looking for a brand new degree that can help you carve a future-ready career – check out Dundee's newest offering.

'In computer and software engineering, the financial outlook for PhDs is excellent'

Dr. Sohum Sohoni, Assistant Professor at The Polytechnic School (Arizona State University) answered questions which plague the mind of every engineering student who wants to study in the US. Read his answers below.

Studying Engineering Design

February 09, 2025 |
Matthew Karau, an electronics engineer who specializes in designing interactive systems, teaches Engineering Design at New York University, Abu Dhabi. He got his Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from MIT. He has taught in European universities, provided consulting services to several companies, and worked in interdisciplinary research organizations such as MIT Media Lab and Media Lab Europe. He is also a certified Cordon Bleu chef. Here he talks about Engineering Design and offers advice to students interested in it.



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