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Q&A on 21st Century Skills – Ashok Trivedi

July 27, 2024 |
Founder and Chairman of iGate, Mr. Ashok Trivedi, spoke with BrainGain Magazine at One Globe Conference. As the founder of an organization spread across nations, Mr. Trivedi had valuable insight on what the global employers are looking for. He also spoke about the importance of human networks, and shared his thoughts on India's booming study abroad trend.

What it takes to study nanotechnology

July 27, 2024 |
Professor Ted Sargent is Vice President – International, at the University of Toronto, Canada, and a professor in the university's Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering. In an exclusive interview with BrainGain Magazine on Monday, March 27, 2017, he spoke about how he became interested in nanotechnology, how nano devices are created, and why engineering students should think like both engineers and entrepreneurs. Prof. Sargent also spoke about the role that students play in cutting-edge research, the value of a PhD in today's job market, and the academic, geographic and financial benefits of studying at the University of Toronto.

Interview with Silicon Valley marketing pioneer Satjiv Chahil

July 27, 2024 |
Silicon Valley consultant Satjiv Chahil started out with a B.Com degree from Punjab University, Chandigarh, in 1971. He got an MBA from the Thunderbird School of Global Management, now part of Arizona State University. In his career of over 30 years, he has worked with companies such as Apple, HP, IBM, Palm, and Xerox, driving initiatives at the cutting edge of entertainment technology. On November 24, 2016, he chatted with BrainGain Magazine about his studies and work, and shared some advice for young people interested in studying abroad.

Fintech is all the rage in US business schools

MBA students are signing up for courses on financial technology as it becomes more key to hireability.

The Art of Emailing at Work

If you thought email etiquette was a thing of the past then think again! Read on for some reminders from Asif Khan on how to think through your use of e-communications in the professional space.

Finance Your Study Abroad - Tips from Experts at BrainGain Magazine's Study Abroad Info Session

July 27, 2024 |
How can you pay for the college of your dreams without drowning in debt? Experts in higher education and recruitment, Andrew G. White IV and Dr. Bennet McClellan share tips to create and find affordable education opportunities abroad. Learn how to juggle work and school and not violate the restrictions of your student visa with remote and digital jobs, as well as work study options. Understand the difference between need-based and merit-based financial aid, and how to fill in your FAFSA forms. Dispel your fear of debt by discovering ways to pay it off in a committed and steady way. Check out this video for more information.

The Secrets of an Entrepreneur

July 27, 2024 |
So you have a business idea – what do you do next? What does it take to be an entrepreneur? Gauri Singh, Founder and Director of The Maids’ Company, & Amar Singh, Founder and CEO of Clove Dental, tackle these questions and more.

We want the world's best engineers, says Canada's prime minister Justin Trudeau

He says Canada values diversity in science and engineering, is investing $125 mn in its strategy for artificial intelligence research and talent, and plans to make the visa process easier

Find out the best university by subject - 2018 QS World University Rankings

University of Cambridge retains its top spot in the QS World Rankings by Subject for the year 2018, followed by University of Oxford and Harvard University. Ranking also improved significantly for the University of Tokyo making it the only Asian institute in the top 10.

Making Education Matter: Q & A with Dr. Subir Gokarn

July 27, 2024 |
BrainGain Magazine spoke with Dr. Subir Gokarn about the philosophy and practice of education. Topics included homeschooling, assessing creativity and the creation of minimally invasive teaching environments.

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