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The World's 10 Most Dangerous Jobs

BrainGain magazine brings you ten of the most dangerous jobs in the world along with reasons as to why they belong on this list.

Business Studies in Toronto, Canada

January 13, 2025 |
Prof. Tiff Macklem is Dean of the Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto, Canada. In an exclusive interview with BrainGain Magazine on Monday, March 27, 2017, he spoke about business studies programs at the Rotman School, including the full-time MBA, the eight-month intensive masters program in financial risk management, and the undergraduate program. Prof. Macklem also discussed financial assistance, scholarships, and internship opportunities available to international students, and the advantages of studying business in a city like Toronto.

Straight Talk: Finding a Job After a Degree

Study at a college where faculty is accessible and you can build up to a career post-degree, says Pushkar.

Australia tightens work visa rules, scraps popular temporary work visa

PM Malcolm Turnbull says Australia will replace the 457 visa with a new program requiring greater English-language proficiency and prior work experience

Stanford University tops 2018 employability rankings

Universities in Australia, the UK, and China also made it to the top 10 in the QS graduate employability rankings.

The education system must foster empathy and innovation

It is not the market that drives what people learn, but rather the other way around.

How to get the most out of studying abroad

Alan Kerzner, CEO of the Institute for Global Student Success, says mentorship can help international students be more productive in their new study and work culture

5 reasons to study at St Mary's University, London

It’s not too late for you to apply to study with us for September 2017!

Career Contessa: How a Job Platform Helps Women Navigate their Careers

The career resource gives 1 million women access each year to even the people they need to help move forward and gain clarity about their careers

Roy Newey: Promoting Skills and Employment

English-born entrepreneur, Roy Newey has worked for more than 30 years in over 80 countries to promote skills - driven by the belief that every human being has a right to the indelible sense of self-worth that only work enables.

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