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( 6 Articles Found )

5 Indian schools win Austrade's Film, Fly, Experience Australia competition

Indian students create short videos for the Film Fly Experience Australia, and win the chance to visit leading Australian universities for a week.

Delhi exam topper shares study tips

February 12, 2025 |
Shivang Singh, a class 12 student of the Scottish High International School, Gurgaon, ranked second in Delhi and the National Capital Region, in the ISC exam, scoring 98.75% in science. He has a full scholarship offer from Hong Kong University. In a Facebook Live session on June 9, 2017, he chatted with BrainGain Magazine's Skendha Singh about the secrets of his success, his exam-time stress-busting strategies, and his future plans. He also offered some tips for students and their parents, and talked about the lasting impact of his participation in 2016 of the Knowledge@Wharton High School Global Young Leaders Academy at the University of Pennsylvania.

Should you be an IB student? Here are the pros and cons to help you figure it out

Is the IB worth all the hype? Here's a list of pros and cons to help you find out!

Hear from The Students! KWHS Global Young Leaders Academy 2017

February 12, 2025 |
Our global young leaders from across the world share their experience of spending a summer at Wharton School of Business, University of Pennsylvania. Watch this video to find out why the Knowledge@Wharton High School Global Young Leaders Academy is a great experience that you should not miss out on!

A Year Abroad: Kennedy-Lugar Youth Exchange and Study Program

The YES program provides scholarships for high-school students from countries like India, Pakistan, Bangladesh to spend up to a year in the US

Australian Government Launches Video Competition for Indian School Students

Develop a short three-minute video in English on a theme nominated by the partner university in Australia and win exciting prizes!



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