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( 8 Articles Found )

“Quality is at the heart of what we do”: Grant McPherson of Education New Zealand

Grant McPherson, Chief Executive of Education New Zealand, spoke to BrainGain magazine, about the advantage of a New Zealand education and how the government is working towards making it better.

What accreditation says about a US university's standards

If you attend an institution that is not accredited, there’s no guarantee that the education you get will meet basic standards or be recognized by other institutions and future employers

New Zealand deports 150 Indian students for fraud

The students say they were unaware that their agents faked their financial information, and opinion is divided as to whether the agents, colleges, or students should be held responsible

Trust Lucky: S01E05 Party-Sharty

February 07, 2025 |
A student trusts Lucky Lakhanpal to give him the best advice on which course he should study at university. Has the student made a smart choice? Watch the video to find out more.

US Social Media Surveillance is New Normal for Foreign Students

The Harvard student blocked from coming to the US at Logan Airport could enter this week, but Uncle Sam’s social media scrutiny is here to stay.

Lack of trust and risk to reputation: Why US universities avoid using recruitment agents

US universities and colleges are more cautious in using student recruitment agencies than their counterparts in other countries, according to a recent survey

We created a shady agent for a fraud awareness campaign and some students sought his advice

If you want to study abroad, the only way to protect yourself from scammers is to do your own research diligently – you'll be amazed how good you are at detecting fraud

Trust Lucky: S01E06 Bakras

February 07, 2025 |
''Lucky Lakhanpal wants to make his student 'exporting' business into a brand. What advice does the consultant have for him? Watch the video to find out more.''



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