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( 14 Articles Found )

Harvard Tests Limits of Free Speech with Provocative Speakers

As students protest "odious" speakers, Harvard’s free speech club says it wants to encourage free speech from all ideological viewpoints.

Two Harvard juniors win election with viral campaign rap video

The video racked up 5 million views on Twitter with Democrats Kamala Harris and Cory Booker reaching out to the students.

Carnegie Mellon University embarks on $2 billion education initiative

The bold "Make Possible" campaign will support educational initiatives across the institution, empower students and faculty.

Six Things First-Year Students Can Do to Adapt to Campus Life

International student services offices play a key role in helping foreign students with immigration, visa, orientation, banking and cultural issues.

12 Most Important College Hacks for International Students

It’s highly recommended that students practice these seemingly benign tasks so that the juggling act of academia and chores don’t turn into a train wreck.

How to find on-campus jobs as an international student

Career services offices normally host job fairs twice a year in the fall and spring to help international students find on-campus work.

An Insider′s Look at the Illinois Institute of Technology

Neil Bhandari, a Computer Science major at Illinois Tech, gives readers a look at the college which ranks on Forbes Top 25 STEM Colleges list.

Open letter from the US to Indian students: #YouBelongHere

More than 100 people involved in higher education in the US have expressed their support for Indians in the wake of recent attacks

"Freshman year is breathless"

Mira Chhatwal, a freshman at Tufts University, says first-year students scramble to adjust to a new level of academics, while having a social life.

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