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Stanford Human Centered Artificial Intelligence Institute is looking for research fellows

Stanford HAI will be the perfect springboard for young researchers eager to contribute to marrying humanity with AI.

Friends are the Best Anti-depressants: Study by University of Warwick

A recent study conducted by the University of Warwick found that teenagers can increase their chances against depression by making more friends.

What it takes to study nanotechnology

July 27, 2024 |
Professor Ted Sargent is Vice President – International, at the University of Toronto, Canada, and a professor in the university's Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering. In an exclusive interview with BrainGain Magazine on Monday, March 27, 2017, he spoke about how he became interested in nanotechnology, how nano devices are created, and why engineering students should think like both engineers and entrepreneurs. Prof. Sargent also spoke about the role that students play in cutting-edge research, the value of a PhD in today's job market, and the academic, geographic and financial benefits of studying at the University of Toronto.

Meet Kavya Kopparapu the 19-year old Harvard student who just won $10,000 for brain cancer research

Her deep-learning computer system, GlioVision, is patented and ready to start testing this year.

Science research funding for international undergraduates in Canada

If you're enrolled for full-time study in Canada, here’s a chance to work with doctoral scholars in Germany

Straight Talk: Can Institutions of Eminence overcome the challenges that lie ahead?

Among other things, they will need to hire and retain quality, research-oriented faculty, and to transform the stifling academic culture that prevails at even top universities in India today.

Best of the East: The Tokyo University of Science and its Amazing Space Research

One of Japan's oldest private universities is leading space research that might transform life on earth for the better.

International student's PhD thesis to help develop renewable energy resources

A French geophysicist in New Zealand has done research that helps improve the exploration and management of geothermal resources

Straight Talk: Indian government must limit research to select institutions

PM Narendra Modi recently said that research should be pushed to state universities. Here Dr. Pushkar argues against such a move.

IIT Jodhpur - A Fresh Approach to Technical Education

The newly founded IIT Jodhpur is one of the premier technical institutions spearheading India’s crusade for building a smart and competitive technological edge. Here is an introduction to its approach and aspirations.

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